
SkyWave IDP-280 Land packaged modem-bottom connector-GPS-GLONASS

SkyWave’s packaged modems provide reliable satellite connectivity over Inmarsat’s IsatData Pro network to a variety of industrial assets in remote locations including vehicles, heavy equipment and fixed assets used in oil & gas applications.

The IDP 200 series delivers a simplified architecture for off-the-shelf, low-cost satellite messaging and does not support SkyWave applications or Lua scripting, unlike the IDP 600 series. An intuitive AT Command set is available for quick integration with external PLCs and general purpose controllers.

– Fleet Management: Always-on satellite connectivity for tracking drivers and mobile assets anywhere in the world as part of a hybrid (cellular-satellite) solution.
– Cathodic Protection: Low power applications requiring infrequent, lower cost satellite messaging for monitoring pipeline health in isolated locations.
– SCADA: Monitoring and control of SCADA systems as part of a comprehensive SCADA solution using satellite for primary or backup communications.


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SkyWave’s packaged modems provide reliable satellite connectivity over Inmarsat’s IsatData Pro network to a variety of industrial assets in remote locations including vehicles, heavy equipment and fixed assets used in oil & gas applications.

The IDP 200 series delivers a simplified architecture for off-the-shelf, low-cost satellite messaging and does not support SkyWave applications or Lua scripting, unlike the IDP 600 series. An intuitive AT Command set is available for quick integration with external PLCs and general purpose controllers.

– Fleet Management: Always-on satellite connectivity for tracking drivers and mobile assets anywhere in the world as part of a hybrid (cellular-satellite) solution.
– Cathodic Protection: Low power applications requiring infrequent, lower cost satellite messaging for monitoring pipeline health in isolated locations.
– SCADA: Monitoring and control of SCADA systems as part of a comprehensive SCADA solution using satellite for primary or backup communications.

